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السبت، 20 يناير 2018

Conclusion of the carnival of loyalty to the family of martyr hero Muslim Mohammed al-Askari (may Allah have mercy on him)

Conclusion of the carnival of loyalty to the family of martyr hero Muslim Mohammed al-Askari (may Allah have mercy on him)
The audience of the Mujahid Sheikh Ahmad Shiaa Al Sahlani began to salute the beginning of the Carnival, where the audience read the Surat Al-Fatihah, congratulating our hero, the martyr Muhammed Mohammed Al-Askari, the great sports pioneer Haji Ali, and then playing the Iraqi national anthem. And also read the word of the festival of the son of Nazareth fanatical Mujahid and lover of the masses, the servant of Husayn peace be upon him on the sickle and also has a rebelling association dreams of caring for orphans and the poor by providing a wonderful effectiveness talking about orphans and parliament and the six guests From the elders and clerics and the media and the service of Imam Hussein and the pioneers of athletes to salute the two teams Almtabarip team management team led by veteran captain Haidar Kamel Shtnan and the team of youth chosen under the leadership of Captain Fawzi Ali Aboudi ended the game for the management team four goals for Lachey to the youth of the choice and during the break between the two halves the throat of Al - Mullah Firas Abbas Al-Husseini with his sad voice and his beautiful words. In conclusion, gifts were distributed to the family of the martyr by the organizing committee, the beloved fan Raed al-Khikani al-Shami and the veteran captain Tahseen Ali Kammer QB by stealth and Captain jealous transparent and pure emerging team of workers Ali Abdul Al_husenawe coach nicknamed (Adnan Hamad) and finally the Organizing Committee honored a number of tender and achievements of the owners in the province, as well as some of the personalities and mass organizations and service Hussein peace be upon him
As well as honoring the teams winning the first and second and third and individual awards where he received the best player and goal of the tournament player management team Captain Fahd Hameed and the best guard obtained by the goalkeeper of the team Abbas Abbas Jaafar and the best coach coach coach team, Mr. Imad Al-Safi and the perfect team Al-Mukhtar team and the youth of Mukhtar Ibrahim He got the perfect gift for the player
The international captain and star maker Aqil Jabbar was honored for the creativity cup and won the Creativity Cup. The international weightlifting captain Ali Fadhel Abbas was also awarded. The certificates and symbolic gifts were distributed to journalists, designers, photographers and contributors.
Thank you very much from the heart of all the characters of the province of Sheikhs and his ministers and the evacuation of clerics and artists and media and pioneers of sports movement and a number of activists and dignitaries and the service of Hussein peace be upon him
Thank you very much Mujahid Sheikh Ahmad Shi'a Al Sahlani
Which added a distinctive flavor to the carnival
Thank you very much for attending the family of the late sports pioneer Haj Ali Dhiab al-Rubaie Abu Abdullah (may Allah have mercy on him)
Thank you very much to the judges of the championship Independent Committee headed by the educational stadium Captain Samir Sajt
Thank you very much for the management of Al Mokhtar Stadium
I do not forget the great sports audience who attended the carnival early on
It is God's success and help us

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